General info
Hi, my name is Jacopo Malnati.
I'm an Italian 25 years old guy who travels every day from Arcisate (Varese)
to Lugano. The travel sometimes is boring but I'm happy to study here, it's a
really cool place with fancy people. I'm studying computer science at USI and
I'm really interested in IT topics.
I'm graduated and I'm actually attending the Master. If you want some more precise and systematic information about me, check out my curriculum.
IT Interests
I'm really curious. If something catches my attention I have to study it, I have to try, code, modify and exploit it. I'm a quite nice programmer and designer and I'm really interested in robotics and space exploration (of course under a software/robotics prospective).
I'm also pretty good with graphics, I love 3d stuff and 4d animations. I've started from 2d creations and, right now, I'm happy to see some of my 3d and 4d stuff uploaded somewhere in some business site :)
Non-IT Interests
First of all my girl friend Giulia.
I also love nature, really.
I'm an amateur macro photographer and I've shot some pretty nice pictures of flowers and insects (about 25.000!). I wouldn't live without my land, without my valley and woods.
Even if I study and use technologies, I never forget that I'm a human being on a beautiful land. I think that we are guests here on Earth, and we must appreciate it. I spend a lot of my free time on my mountains looking for some particular flower.. I'm used to walk for dozen of kilometers just because I want to find some rare plant and take some pictures of it.
I love cinema too, even if sometimes I waste my money with horrible movies..
How to contact me
- email me: jacopo.malnati (at) gmail . com
- scream my name, I can be somewhere near you!